Air traffic control

Air traffic control applications

CIAS produces equipment to be installed at civil and military airports with the aim of protecting the perimeters and parking areas of aircraft or to control their movement along the runway.

ERMO482X3PRO-AIR is able to provide a major contribution to the air traffic control system, especially in case of low visibility due to adverse weather conditions.

This barrier is positioned at the sides of the runway and thanks to the emission of microwave beams it is able to interpret the direction of the aircraft moving at that point.

The advantages of having this barrier are

prevent a collision between two aircraft in the vicinity of two converging runways
prevent collision between aircraft moving on the same taxiway

ERMO482X3PRO-AIR uses fuzzy logic.

The latter is a highly sophisticated model in the barrier's internal memory which generates an alarm when the emitted microwave beam is interrupted by the passage of an aircraft.


Airports require particularly efficient and high-performance protection and alarm systems to be installed both internally and externally, as well as throughout the perimeter area. The technology also lends itself to ground traffic control in support of ground radar for anti-collision purposes. For these areas, we offer systems capable of detecting and signalling any night and daytime movement.

Want to learn more about air traffic control systems?

Types of safety systems for air traffic control


Microwave barrier with digital signal analysis, equipped with an internal microprocessor that analyses received signals using fuzzy logic algorithms

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