Fence Detection
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SIOUX MEMS PRO2: is the brand-new version of CIAS’ fence-mounted intrusion detection system for perimeter protection which since 2012 has been installed with great results on many sites, always with high-security requirements and specifications. The Sioux system has also been awarded numerous prestigious prizes.

• Innovative accelerometer MEMS sensor, auto-addressing
• Coverage: up to 1400 + 100m with a signle control unit
• Precision of detection of 1 meter via IP - through SDK
• Easy installation by placing sensors every 5m regardless their positioning on panels
• Covering up to 6m in height with only one line of sensors
• Inclinometer system for tamper detection
• 700m covering by each control unit: IP & PoE and with 20 relay output
• Operating temperature between -40/+70°C
• 10-years events memory
• 6-years warranty against manufacturing default
APACHE FIBER: system based on opto-phonic technology and interferometer measurement, that is to say it measures the difference in light emitted by a laser and in the signal received back. Vibrations, received by the optic fibers installed on a fence, redirect the light reflected inside the fiber so that it returns different than it was originally transmitted. Such a signal of light is transformed into an electrical signal , which the DSP on-board will analyze, filter and provide to an alarm relay for signaling any attempt of climbing and cut of the fiber itself or of the fence.

• System providing single or double zone up to 2000m
• Zones from 500mt
• Suitable for any kind of fence: both rigid and weld-mesh
• Possibility of configuration in loop or daisy-chain
• Easy to install, with UV-resistant ties
• Possibility of set up via software or through on-board rotary switches
• Connectable to any kind of anti-intrusion control panel
• Operating temperature between -40/+70°C
• 3-years warranty for the analyzer and 10-years on the fiber cable
BLACKFEET CABLE system based on magneto-phonic technology, that is to say a cable with 2 magnetized plastic sheats hosting inside 2 wires free to move; vibrations detected by the cable installed on the fence are translated into an electric signal; which is duly filtered and digitalized by the board in the control unit, and which provides one relay of alarm for climbing and cut attempts of the cable itself or of the fence.

• System in kits of 50/100/150/200/300m
• Zones from 300m
• Suitable for any kind of fence: both rigid and weld-mesh
• Suitable for wall application anti-breakthrough
• Easy to install, with UV-resistant ties
• Easy to adjust through switches - no software
• Connectable to any kind of anti-intrusion control panel
• Operating temperature between -40/+70°C
• 15-years warranty on the sensor cable
• Accessories compatible to other systems based on the same technology